
Moses hitting the rock

Moses hitting the rock

Cheder Sessions

We run a monthly Sunday morning session for 1 hour from 10am- 11am. This is open to all children aged 5+ and parents are encouraged to stay. The setting is informal and the content of the lesson is individually tailored for the various age groups. All the children, regardless of age, are in one class.

New Year cards



Fun and Educational

We cover Hebrew, festivals, the weekly Torah portion and anything else that may be appropriate. We do lots of art work and learn Hebrew songs. We aim to have fun while learning about Judaism.

Forthcoming Cheder Dates:

Sunday mornings at 10am.
2024 class dates:
14 January
11 February
03 March
14 April
12 May
09 June

Adult Education

Perfect for any adult who wants to:

  • Practise songs from the liturgy

  • Learn for an adult Bar or Batmitzvah

  • Learn Hebrew from scratch

  • Brush up on their Hebrew with a view to participating in services, for example by reading Torah or Haftarah blessings